What To Do When Hollywood Endorses a Political Candidate

It's simple really.


You may not be McCain fans, and I know that I'm not, but I just happened to watch a small part of Russell Brand's monologue opening the 2008 VMAs (I know, what was I thinking), and I was appalled. I won't even give a link to it because of how crass and crude it was. I'm embarrassed to have watched a small part of it. Then to have him endorse Barack Obama for president to cheers of ecstasy was about all I could take.

I'm not saying that a vote for Obama is a vote for evil or something melodramatic like that. I'm just VERY concerned that he gets the heavy endorsement of the world's leading body of propagandized amorality (Hollywood). I seem to recall several scriptures that warn of such occurrences, each accompanied by the same admonition to choose the opposition to such endorsements.

Man I would love to see how Captain Moroni would have reacted to this stuff.


Jenny said...

Why can't our Prophet just be the President??? I Wish!

Tiff said...

I agree Jenny!

Nicely said, JR. So true.

CK Rock said...

I think that basing your political decisions on the opinions of an English comedian (or a gross over-generalization of an entire industry) is risky at best. To determine the morality of the candidate, go directly to the source

Kristen said...

Of course that's not something to entirely base your decision on, but when your decision was already made it makes it that much more firm. However, if I was an Obama fan I honestly would be a little worried about hollywood's take with him. It just makes you wonder...

Anonymous said...

That is a really interesting viewpoint JR. Thanks for passing that along. I personally am just so sick of politics... I just want to run away to the remote mountains of Montana or something...

... if there were internet capabilities there... :)

Jenny said...

By the way...how come I'm not on your Blog List??? Ashamed much?

JR said...

Thanks for all the comments. I'm going to be posting a continuation for this post in light of a few things that I've observed and heard over the past couple days, so stay tuned.

As far as not having you on my blog list Jenny, I just haven't completed it. I've got a bunch of others, including yours, that I need to add. No shame here, just a little slow.

Jenny said...

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Nice save!
