The Blog Is Not Dead!

I should call this blog post One Great Whole in the Time Line for all the months I've been silent. It's probably typical. Blogging is great when you first start, and then it loses its luster after life reminds you just how little time you had in the first place. Add to that my complete and utter laziness, and the deal is sealed. Well, this is my attempt at reconciliation.

I look at this blog title now after so many months away and realize just how precocious I've been. Assuming that somehow my perspective on life is going to showcase the glorious truths of the universe is down-right cocky and self-righteous (if I do say so myself). What I mean is that I'm feeling quite a bit different about things now, and a little humble pie has helped me put perspective into perspective (is that even possible?).

So, what I intend moving forward is to make this blog a place for my ideas and possibilities, rather than creating assumptive authority on anything within my poorly contrived gospel perspective. In other words, note to self: keep it simple, keep it real, keep it humble.