Curve Balls and Back Doors

Heavenly Father has got to have one crazy sense of humor. It's either that, or I'm just a complete goon that has yet to wake up and smell the sulfur. One thing's for sure; I definitely like the spiritual climate a lot better when I'm not surrounded by pitch forks.

I do think that Father has plenty of good laughs because of us, or at least he does me. I don't mean that cynically or disrespectfully. I look at my kids and have to laugh at their persistence in failure—not because I'm completely mental, but because I know that they're going to figure things out soon enough. The last thing they need from me is constant butting in to try and fix things (even though that is what I usually do). They need love, instruction, patience, and a kind listening ear.

That is my "duh" moment for the day (or life time). All these years of wondering why none of my life plans have panned out in the ways that I had hoped was simply time wasted on self pity and fear. The reality is that Father has been silently rolling his eyes and waiting for me to get with the program. Thankfully his understanding of my needs is perfect. With every perceived curve ball life has thrown at me, he has opened up back doors to the blessings that were always there waiting for me as long as I remained faithful.

My problem has been the procrastination of being worthy enough to receive all these blessings, hence the need for more back doors. I just hope that I don't push my luck too far and turn heavenly chuckles at my idiocy into a valid lament for my soul. Definitely not something I want to merit, ever.

So, some of the really cool back doors that have opened up for me lately are what have caused me to wax sarcastic with myself and paint such a tongue-in-cheek picture of Heavenly Father's character. I quote Inigo from the Princess Bride when he said to Wesley, "Let me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up…"

First, my major sob story of the last 3+ years has finally (I know!) started its way to resolution. After receiving inspiration from a good old friend (thanks Levy) that got me thinking about my career options in a new light, I've seen why the Lord turned me from my initial courses of Psychology and teaching seminary to where I currently stand. And I've gained insight into what I can do incorporate my passions with my stewardships (provider, husband, father, etc) without having to have some magical right answer for everything. Sure the Lord cares about what I do, but in my case he wants me to stop setting limitations on what I will/can do and instead focus on the why, who, and how. Though I may have already figured that one out a while ago, I have a hard time applying what I know. Thankfully I have a new focus and determination that have me excited about the future and life's possibilities.

Second, on Saturday I had the distinct and immense pleasure of running into a wonderful old friend from my favorite mission city of Divinopolis, MG, Brazil. Ana Paula Evangelista and her family were some of the sweetest people that I had the pleasure of knowing on my mission. Unfortunately, like most everyone from my mission, I've been completely terrible at maintaining contact. As she called my name from behind me as I was going up the escalators at the Gateway Mall in SLC, I looked back and saw her standing at the bottom waving to me. I've never had the chance to run against an escalator before (it's kinda hard), but I didn't even hesitate to do so as I recognized her face. We embraced for the first time (missionaries can only shake girl's hands) and just laughed for joy. I seriously never thought that I would see her or her sisters again, not to mention ever get to hug them. It was perfect! Now I'm back in contact with all of them and can't wait to catch up with them and how life has treated them these past years. Such a sweet reunion and a most wonderful blessing from a loving Father.

The Lord really does move in mysterious ways. Be it a twist of fate, a chance meeting, a passing thought, or complete serendipity, miracle is still the only word that adequately describes it all.

All I Have to Say is "WOW"

I was quite taken aback by this blog post on Based on the findings of the Japanese scientist in this awesome article, I've got some serious mental/emotional reprogramming to do! This is definitely worth the read, and re-read. Very thought provoking.

Down on the Upside

I've been stuck not knowing how to describe how I've been feeling as of late, so I thought I would steal the title of Soundgarden's final studio album as my closest approximation. Besides the fact that I enjoy much of Soundgarden's musical repertoire, "down on the upside" is where I hope I've come to in this current phase of my life.

My apologies if this sounds depressing or out of character to some. All of us go through waves of good times and bad. I just happen to be a little more of a music geek, making it quite second nature for me to interject various song titles and/or lyrics as descriptions of my state-of-being.

So, for the very few of you that actually read my blog (hooray for Kristen and Jenny!), here's what I mean by down on the upside. I'm hoping that I've finally reached the bottom of my most recent frustrations with myself and life, and that I'm now looking upside the next climb in front of me. It's better to be at the bottom of the hill and looking up than still near the halfway point of a painful fall.

My apologies for that slightly melodramatic explanation.

In all seriousness, I'm frustrated by my own hypocrisy right now. Being your own worst enemy becomes very tiresome and laborious. I look back at my first few posts—filled mostly with insight, hope and purpose—and shudder to think that I'm so not that person right now. I tend to be skilled at summarizing truths within a fairly interesting point of view, but I'm terrible at putting my money where my mouth is. I really hate being a "do as I say, not as I do," kind of guy.

I sincerely appreciate the words of advice and encouragement that I've received from several of you about my post Stuck in Limbo, and Not Alone. Kudos to Jenny for winning the home-cooked, gourmet meal made by me award. Too bad you live in Cedar City. :) But I think that I'm going to reach out to you faithful few readers again and beg your thoughts on how you brush yourselves off after a painful fall. I won't promise another meal, though. My food budget is already shot after trying to feed my monster-of-a-15-month-old son.

Please - I'm tired of being a hypocrite.