Prophetic Guidance for Our Uncertain Times
There are times when I forget just how true the Church is, and just how inspired our prophets are. I thank God for reminders like the one I just received, and which I quote below.I came across this link on Facebook that one of my friends shared. I quote below from The Dimmick's blog, with a link to the original article.
"This talk was given by Ezra Taft Benson in 1977. Then a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles then later becoming Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, he warns us of socialism sneaking into our government. He warns about redistribution of wealth and socializing health care. He warns that “they pull down what is above and they never raise what is below.” “You are not here to be a parasite or a freeloader. The price you pay for something for nothing may be more than you can afford.” It is broken up into two parts."
Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2
"The full text of this speech can be found here." starting at the sub-title “Socialism–a Philosophy Incompatible with Man’s Liberty”.